For those who don’t understand Urdu
– The roman English written under brackets, I have translated the same in
English as well, for you all to understand.
Alhamdulillah (By the grace of Almighty) I am a Muslim
and I follow the rules and regulations declared in Islam. This is the
spontaneous sentence that we blurt out when someone asks about our religion or
being a Muslim.
Do we really mean it? Is praying
5 times a day, complete Islam? (Pehlay Namaz toh Qayem Karlo phir yeh sab
baatin karna) First start praying 5 times
a day then question others! Why? I am not a doctor but I can question about
his ill practicing. I am not a patriot but I can question and defame any army
fellow. But! I can not question a Muslim by any means. Right!
(Islam Allah or uskay banday ka
muamla hai) Islam is all about the bond
between LORD and HIS creature. These are the statements which we come
across whenever we raise any question! None of us is allowed to ask questions
in mosques or questions related to Islamic practicing, as if they are universal
truth – no doubt they definitely are, but a layman like me and many others,
have the right to ask questions if they are not satisfied, right? Why do we all
forget that without Tauheed (Sovereignty
of Allah) everything has a logic and rationale behind it? Allah has quoted
multiple times in Holy Quran (Ghaur karo) Think.
But even then we do not think and just follow without knowing the basics and
root reason.
For a new age Muslim it is very
easy to follow Islam, as compared to his ancestors or elders. Nowadays,
whatever was initially banned and prohibited in Islam is acceptable by
providing a justification. The most common sentence that all of us usually hear
is (Deen o Dunia Saath Sath chalti hai) Religion
and World go hand in hand. (Beech ka raasta Ikhtiyar karo) Select the route that is in between Islam
and worldly affairs. For all those who agree with these statements or say
these lines to others, you all are not aware of ISLAM and its teachings. Islam
either has a “YES” or “NO” but no “Maybe” so either one thing is allowed or
prohibited! If (Tasveer-Kashi) Painting /
Photography is Haraam (Prohibited) in Islam then there is no second answer
to that. And now please don’t come up with those usual examples that after 3
days of hunger a man can eat anything – this could be acceptable back in early
civilization, not anymore! Plus this can be applicable to 10 – 15% of the total
mankind, and definitely you and I are not amongst them.
These days we have Islamic
banking systems, Islamic meat shops even in Islamic countries, Islamic
Boutiques and Islamic promotional plans etc. Today the term ISLAMIC has a new
meaning, I Somehow Leverage And Maneuver Islamic Corruption. The rates at Islamic
boutiques are high enough to even let me think twice before purchasing, so what
about those Muslims who are not so well to do and want to wear Islamic Clothing
Brands! I am sure everyone is aware of the Islamic Clothing Brands (after all
they were pitched to fame with this concept – else they have/had nothing else
to offer, quality wise). The profit which these outlets or brands make is
Halaal, as per the context of Islamic Business Rules?
I never knew MOVIES are allowed
in ISLAM – that is why people do not object on existence of movies but the
subjects people select, for them (ref: Khuda Ke Liay).
Are we allowed to do Umrah or
Hajj by scoring points through our credit/debit cards? Aren’t people
adulterating the religion known as Islam? Are we (pointing out Males) allowed
to appear on screens, wearing branded clothes, spectacles and footwear
presenting Islamic shows and interacting with females (Na-Mehrum) with smiles?
A New Age Muslim:
- Drinks
- Smokes
- Flirts
(for the sake of fun)
- Manipulates
(out of habit)
- Shows
off brands (to let others feel his supremacy)
- Hides
his Identity (as well)
- Listens
to music every day! (After all Music is food to soul - CRAP)
- Cheats
- Rapes
- Lusts
- Lies
(on daily basis)
- And
what not?
But he offers prayers and visit 5
times to Allah’s house after performing all the mentioned and non mentioned
Bravo My Muslims!
The month of Ramazan is near,
trust me my nation will again witness corruption in the name of Islam and will
buy it! Why? Because we aren’t Muslims anymore! We are (as I always say)
PBCM –Pakistani Born Confused Muslims.
I wish! One day we can embrace
Islam not by just hearing Azaan in our ears, when born, but by living a life as
per the teachings of Holy Quran and Sunnah. Even I don’t practice Islam the way
I might have mentioned, but I feel guilt inside. Do you too?