Saturday, August 27, 2011

And they say its Difficult to Blossom Roses of Love in One’s Heart!

And they say its Difficult to Blossom Roses of Love in One’s Heart!

It is rightly said that life is very short – so don’t waste it in arguing, fighting and hating others. The best thing is to shower smiles on the faces of those who are in one way or the other associated with you. Not particularly only Mom, Dad, Bro, Sis or Friends, but also those who accidentally meet you in seminars, restaurants, rest-rooms, shops and such other countless places. I know, most people would now be thinking that those other people might think us fool or immature to do such things to bring smile on their faces. But think again! Does it really matter? After all, you will be able to win a smile – just because of your own effort. It counts trust me. Where are all the lessons of Humanities and “Being Good and Happy Go Lucky”? Are they only left for the books or some editions of Reader’s Digests?

Its time to think differently! Everyone is worried for his or her own hassles. Don/t you like to swim against the tides? Remember when you usually say in front of your friends by pumping up your chests “I am not usual – Am different”. This is what DIFFERENT PEOPLE DO. They bring the best day out of the most hectic one!

There are more than many ways to brighten the days of your loved ones – not particularly wives or girlfriends and vice versa. You can buy a domain name of your brother’s or sister’s name. (These days they are really affordable). Create a simple yet elegant web page after all “Word Press” and other agents are here to help you out. Write a poem or quotation that best describes your relation with him or her and ask them to visit the web link. It will have a huge effect – mark my words. Its simple and cute!

For your mother the easiest thing is to wrap a mirror in the gift paper with a note “All my strength is because of you – May you always shine to brighten up my life with your care and love”. Mothers deserve the best undoubtedly. And to all ladies keep that in mind that only that man can keep his woman like a Princess who is grown up by a Queen.

Now this might sound and look kinda weird to most, but I have practiced it personally and it works in almost all the situations. Whether you are in office, being new or experienced, in a mall or movie theatre all you need to do is to say 2 words “Nice Outfit” or “Nice Color” with a decent and simple smile – and no further expectation to start a communication (strictly) – you will see that the lips of both the boys and girls will curve upward – at places slightly and at others a bit more.

Finally the best way to bring a simple smile on your boss’s face is a simple statement “After all I am trained by you – how could I be misguided in any execution”. Try to give credits to others, everyone knows that you have performed the task, but the kind of happiness and smile which you give to others is unmatched.
You must be thinking that these thoughts and examples are about “smile” not “Love” but in exchange with the SMILE, what you will get is different kinds of LOVE. They could be brotherly, Fatherly, Humanly and as well as Lover“ly”.

Life is short – make the most of it by spreading love, smile and care. You are the only one who can make it possible.

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